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We now offer a way to order many of our treats online!


Please note: We ask for four days' notice for online orders (due to processing time).
*****If you place an order with less notice, or you do not include a pickup date, it may be canceled.  All orders are to be picked up at 755 Monroe Street.

(Today's date plus 4 would be four days' notice; For example, if today is the 5th, you can add 4 to get the 9th. Or, to pick up on Friday, order by Monday.)

Petits Sweets, Morning Pastries, and Cupcakes can be ordered in increments of 6 per item.

If you would like to order more than the amounts listed online, or something you don't see, please call. 

Please be patient as we may still be fine-tuning this system. Call with any questions!



INGREDIENTS: Ingredients are listed under each item, please click on the item to read.

Cakes (4 days' notice required)

(4 days' notice required)

Petits Sweets